Currently, I’m a Programmatic Account Manager at Google and take on freelance advertising projects on a case-by-case basis.

I cut my teeth running media strategy and ad ops for political, non-profit, and union clients. Clients such as: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), Patients for Affordable Drugs, Tom Steyer’s Need to Impeach Campaign, SEIU, AFSCME, Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign, & Cherokee Nation. My work has resulted in top-tier digital advertising campaigns that have truly delivered an impact.

WSJ Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign – 2021

We’re talking…

  • Convincing legislators in Massachusetts to pass a budget allowing the state Medicaid program to negotiate prescription drug prices, saving in-state taxpayers an estimated $80,000,000 a year.
  • Making enough of a ruckus about protecting the Arctic Refuge from oil drilling that President Biden prioritized imposing a moratorium on the practice.
  • Bolstering the campaigns of Democrat and DSA candidates running for San Francisco supervisor seats, resulting in three wins.
  • Motivating over 650,000 union members (in multiple languages!) to safely vote by mail and vote for Biden.
  • Getting 5,000,000 Americans to sign on to a petition to impeach President Trump.

I’m also a trusted voice in the workplace, speaking up on matters of diversity and inclusivity — often in collaboration with other coworkers of marginalized identities. My tenacity and professionalism has lead to the fast-tracking of inclusivity initiatives and actions, and I’ve conducted trainings on tokenism and power dynamics, too.

In 2020, my notable client work and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion resulted in being named an AdColor Future – and I even became an AdColor Future hackathon winner!